Monday, May 30, 2011

Chrysler 300m Convertible

Chrysler 300m Convertible. 2004 Chrysler 300M Special
  • 2004 Chrysler 300M Special

  • gjkiii
    May 9, 11:32 PM
    Hopefully someone at ATT will read these posts! In the same boat, last 3-4 weeks been getting worse in R.I.

    It won't matter. I am a firm believer than unless you have pressure from a competitor you can take your time fixing your problems. And until the iphone ends up on another carrier I can't see AT&T making improvements for Iphone users a priority. Despite what steve says I believe that the AT&T networks would be better if the iphone was on multiple carriers. It may have been a good decision for steve financially to make it exclusive but its not a good decision by steve for the iphone users.

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Used Chrysler 300M speceal edition 1999 for sale in Berkeley, California, Sell Used Car for Free,
  • Used Chrysler 300M speceal edition 1999 for sale in Berkeley, California, Sell Used Car for Free,

  • lilo777
    Apr 20, 09:22 PM
    So wait, you don't own a Mac or an iDevice but you post here constantly?

    Is that a prerequisite? I have Apple battery charger.

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Chrysler 300m With Rims
  • Chrysler 300m With Rims

  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 10:35 AM
    Hey guys we should hold out for 128 cores. Apple will make it soon. I guess16 cores in 2007
    32 cores in 2008
    64 cores in 2009
    128 cores in 2010

    You want to wait 'til 2010 at the soonest? :rolleyes:

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. below cars: chrysler 300m
  • below cars: chrysler 300m

  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 09:02 PM
    Glossing over "heat" and "power" with a blah blah blah is probably a bit cavalier. Those are the two main issues facing notebook computers. Desktops have the advantage of infinite possibilities in terms of size, scale, cooling units, fans, and they have an infinite power source to go with it. Notebooks have to balance performance with energy constraints and heat constraints, the latter being the main issue. If you pile processors into a notebook that heat up, that heat has to dissipate somehow, so you're left with two choices: make a bigger laptop with more vents/cooling units (nobody wants that), or allow that heat to dissipate naturally which has limitations. If you ignore those limitations, you end up with a notebook that overheats, and inevitably your drives die or your motherboard cracks from heat stress.

    So yes, notebooks are going to start to lag behind desktops more and more as multiple cores start to proliferate because cooling units can't keep up. Yet anyway.Zactly. They already have. I am postponing the mobile purchase until after I have the Dual Clovertown fully operational. Moreover, we can't even see beyond the mobile speed Apple just introduced Tuesday. Intel is giving us no numbers when it comes to beyond 2.33GHz Core 2 Duo. Sure the FSB will be "enhanced" to 800MHz with Santa Rosa. But that's hardly worth a sneeze compared to the 667GHz FSB it already has.

    So I think you can forget about large multi-tasking on any mobile for the foreseeable future. Once my workflow shifted from linear to multi-threaded multi-tasking a little less than a year ago, I realized that dual core processors are really not much better than what we had for processing in 1985 - in this new paradigm of how to work a lot of stuff simultaneously.

    When I ordered my Quad G5 in February, I was almost in a cold sweat panic. The sudden lack of power not coming out of my Dual 2.5 GHz G5 was frightening as soon as I had made that workflow shift. Scared me to death. I was visibly alarmed.

    It was like a combination epiphany and natural disaster - fear and panic at the same time.

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. 2002 Chrysler 300M Special
  • 2002 Chrysler 300M Special

  • Evangelion
    Jul 13, 08:08 AM
    Actually, it looks the same from both perspectives.

    Nope, it doesn't. Besides, I already told you in another thread that Intel agrees with my intrepetation on this matter. The see dual-dual systems as 2-way systems, whereas according to you, they are 4-way systems. Are you saying that Intel does not know what they are doing?

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Chrysler 300m Parts
  • Chrysler 300m Parts

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:19 AM
    If the media shouldn't project a positive message about being gay, then they shouldn't project a positive message about being straight. No more kissing on TV, film, etc. Ban all public displays of affection and don't say a word about issues that someone might take 'offence' to. Yeah...that sounds like a great world. I hope you go there someday.

    I think you have slightly misread my post or replied to the wrong post.
    I most certainly did not say the media shouldn't project a positive message about being gay.


    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Chrysler 300m With Rims
  • Chrysler 300m With Rims

  • Iscariot
    Mar 27, 12:16 AM
    Although that's true, it doesn't show that homosexuality is a healthy quality to have.

    Compared to the alternative, it certainly seems to be.

    [source: human history]

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Search For More Chrysler 300
  • Search For More Chrysler 300

  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 11:40 AM
    Trust me, Islam far outshines Christianity and Judaism in the anti-scientific murder and vandalism. The difference is, as I said somewhere else, in Christianity it was the clergy who ordered it without recourse to the Bible, whereas in Islam it's in the texts to severely punish blasphemy and heretics.

    Great, let's have a race to the bottom to see which faith is the more bigoted.

    If you're being burnt at the stake, it doesn't make much difference whether that's because of a story someone made up 2000 years ago, or a story a priest made up today. Faith is still the excuse, and the result is the same.

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. 2001 Chrysler 300M with
  • 2001 Chrysler 300M with

  • CrAkD
    Mar 18, 01:09 PM
    Woohoo I switched from my 1st gen wifi iPad with mywi on my iPhone to a 3G iPad 2 just in time.

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Pictures of 2002 Chrysler 300M
  • Pictures of 2002 Chrysler 300M

  • Scarlet Fever
    Oct 26, 03:19 AM
    sounds awesome :D

    but with my macbook containing 1,024,000 pixels, will you fund it for me please? :p

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Chrysler 300M 3.5i V6 24V
  • Chrysler 300M 3.5i V6 24V

  • bigmc6000
    Aug 29, 01:15 PM
    Greenpeace is not exactly 'agenda-less'. But that seems sort of paranoid to say that they're clearly trying to kill technology, capitalism and innovation. If they wanted to target Apple, or get a lot of publicity, they surely could have done something more dramatic than put them fourth from the bottom of a list.

    And honestly, what do we know about Apple's environmental standards (materials used, manufacturing processes, disposal methods, etc.)? I really doubt that most of you (myself included) are industrial engineers, environmental standards auditors or something. Like some previous replies said - some people can't stand the idea that Apple is not great at something, and will lash out at those who criticize it. I mean, I like Apple's stuff, but it's just a company. Keep an open mind...

    I happen to have taken way too many IE classes (that's industrial engineering not MS's IE - yuck) and I'd have to tell you the things that Greenpeace is complaining about are dwarfed in comparison to the large issue of CRT's and the contents within. Ever look at the default Dell system? They ALL have CRT's. Most of the time you can get a free upgrade to flat panel or some cheap upgrade or something but they still come with CRT's. In my opinion the stuff greenpeace is complaining about "withholds its full list of regulated substances and provides no timelines for eliminating toxic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and no commitment to phasing out all uses of brominated flame retardants (BFRs)." are much lower on the list than the absurd volume of lead being shipped by Dell CRT's. Something else to note - the most likely reason greenpeace is pissed of is becaue of this "withholds its full list of regulated substances." Does that really have anything to do with how environmentally friendly they really are? No - does that make greenpeace mad that they aren't being "respected" by Apple? Yes. Enough to make them 4th worst? Absolutely...

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Used Chrysler 300M speceal edition 1999 for sale in Berkeley, California, Sell Used Car for Free,
  • Used Chrysler 300M speceal edition 1999 for sale in Berkeley, California, Sell Used Car for Free,

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 26, 06:08 PM
    Munchies aside, miracle cures of old are likely misdiagnosis.

    Leaches were used back then, right.

    (Bad example, leaches, fly larva, etc, are valued assets in today's medicine.)

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. 99 Chrysler 300m Problems
  • 99 Chrysler 300m Problems

  • appleguy123
    Apr 10, 11:36 AM
    Ya know what? This is good advice. After doing a LOT of thinking about this, I realize that I'm probably best off sticking with Windows.

    When it comes right down to it, I'm really just "curious" about trying a Mac. I don't actually have a particular reason, and I don't have any problems with Windows (believe it or not).

    It looks like both operating systems have a few advantages and both operating systems have their share of annoyances. Truth is, I'm having a hard time finding a real advantage to switching.

    If I were starting out today I'd most likely go with a Mac. But I'm an old dude, not a kid. I'm very comfortable with Windows and I really LIKE certain things about it. In fact, the first thing I'd do on a Mac is try to set it up so the Dock works just like the Start button in Windows. A rational person would have realized long ago that this is crazy. If I want a Mac to work like Windows I should just use Windows. Duh. But my curiosity along with the attractive cosmetic looks of the Mac got the best of me.

    I won't lie, I'll forever be curious about "the other side"... but in my case I think I'd just be asking for a lot of headaches figuring out how to do all of these things differently than I'm used to.


    Thanks to everyone that helped by adding your thoughts, I really appreciate it. And since I can't be the only one out there with similar feelings maybe this thread will help them too. Some will choose to switch to Mac, some will choose to stick with Windows.

    And that's the way it goes. :)

    You could always buy a Mac and run windows on it. It would let you satisfy your curiosity, and have a safe fallback to the OS you know. And a beautiful computer.

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Chrysler 300m With Rims
  • Chrysler 300m With Rims

  • Red-red
    Apr 9, 07:57 PM
    And it still won't work.

    Can't you understand?

    You can't look at a screen and hold a controller to play a game well, when there is nothing for your fingers to feel on the thing (sheet of smooth glass) you are holding as a controller.

    I understand completely the limitations of the approach but you're the one who doesn't understand or more precisely doesn't seem to accept the possibilities.

    Apple isn't going to release a controller or a controller add on. Get that into your head. It isn't happening.

    I'm not asking you to understand or like the approach just so we're clear. I couldn't care less but that is what they're doing. No two ways about it.

    Brilliant! then a family of five can all play scrabble or monopoly for the low low cost of $1,495*

    Apple are all about building integration and eco systems. Their visions of the future of consumer electronics... or post PC devices is iOS. If a family of five buys into that ecosystem they already have iPhone's, they already have iPads, they already have iPods and if they don't... they're probably going to buy one.

    If you approach it with a closed mind you won't understand it. You clearly don't which is why you've reeled off the predictable reply about current cost/usage.

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Chrysler 300 | Posted on
  • Chrysler 300 | Posted on

  • Sydde
    Apr 25, 12:51 AM
    At another website, other posters kept arguing that there were different kinds of theism and that agnosticism. My philosophy professors taught me that that atheism is the belief that there's no God, and that an agnostic would say, "I don't know whether there's a God. "

    You can say that, although you don't believe that God exists, you're neither an atheist nor an agnostic. You can do that because you can suspend judgment judgment about theism.
    Well, I am not 100% sure about the non-existence of any given deity, but when it comes to the cobbled-together fairy tale that Christians subscribe to, my certainty-of-BS level goes through the roof. (Jews and Muslims can readily be included as well.)

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Chrysler 300m Parts
  • Chrysler 300m Parts

  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 02:19 PM
    Originally posted by gopher
    Even more interesting was the advertisement from Apple when the Blue and White G3 came out, and how cool the case was when it opened so simply, they said the "Mac was more open-minded." What amazes me though is there are still just as many Windows users who are biggots in this world as Mac users who are, or even more so. Being though in the minority as we are, Mac users feel all the more need to defend themselves against this biggotted crowd. Apple is trying its hardest to level the playing field by its Switch campaign, and show that it is on the same playing field so that Windows users can't ignore us and demean us with lies, fabrications, and these myths. Only we have some people come on this board who claim that the Mac is much slower. For what purpose? How do we fight ignorance? I work with PCs only because the job I enjoy the most is run by an organization that is biased against Macs, and I'm not in the position to decide how to move Macs into the organization. But it certainly doesn't help to have people who would bad mouth the Mac. It makes us feel more in the minority and feel more the need to defend ourselves. Let's stop this attrocity. Show them what the Mac can do, and it is a viable solution. And Arne, if you are reading these boards, please delete clearly PC biased hate posts ASAP.

    Actually you are solidifying my point. How do we fight ignorance? It's very simple. You fight ignorance with facts; you fight ignorance with truth. As far as "But it certainly doesn't help to have people who would bad mouth the Mac..." No. Myself, and the many people on this board who share my viewpoint are not hurting the Mac. We are being sincere, honost and truthful. If you think my post was a "PC biased hate post" you are deeply mistaken. I'm sorry if you can't understand that.

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. Chrysler 300m Parts
  • Chrysler 300m Parts

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 12:10 PM
    Perhaps, but it took them long enough to figure it out, or at least to take any action on it.

    It's one thing to have that information, its another thing to access it and get a report on usage patterns that reliably determines that it us tethering usage. Internet usage can vary widely depending on the user. So it almost requires a human eye to look at it and make that determination. Even then, it can be a hard call.

    There are a dozen and one ways they can use rules/logic engines - they don't need a human eye.

    And the timing of this new policy isn't by accident nor has it taken ATT "long enough". It's strategic.

    With 4.3 - mobile hotspots are now enabled on their network and there is a clear billing system set up within their infrastructure. Remember - prior to 4.3 - ANY tethering via the iPhone was against TOS.

    Now that they have a specific plan they can switch you to and/or illustrate that you have LEGAL ways of tethering - they are in a much better position to win any of these so called "arguments."

    It's no accident. They clearly have been poised to take action and waited until everything fell into place with the enabling of hotspots.

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. 2002 Chrysler 300M, Used Cars
  • 2002 Chrysler 300M, Used Cars

  • firestarter
    Mar 16, 11:36 AM
    I agree with your pro-nuclear, pro energy independence stance, Fivepoint.

    Third, we do in fact have the resources to provide for our own society. Expand nuclear, expand oil, expand coal, expand natural gas, expand biofuels, keep investing in promising new alternatives (private investment, not government) and we could get to energy independence in probably 10 years or less. The only reason we're not doing it is because of burdensome government regulations and the fact that other countries can produce it cheaply. As prices rise, one of those issues becomes moot... Also, for the record, just because we could do it, doesn't necessarily mean we should. The free market should determine this. IF we're willing to pay more for American fuel, then so be it. If not, we'll continue buying from others... but don't let the government manipulate the markets and destroy common sense capitalism.

    This is interesing...

    To a great extent, the US military distorts the free market. It's possible to argue the the >$700bn ( spent on the Iraq war is a direct government investment in oil.

    Even as a small-government advocate, I'm assuming that you see defence as something that should remain the role of the state? How then to create a level marketplace where foreign oil benefits from such a massive indirect government subsidy?

    Perhaps it would be appropriate to have domestic nuclear reactors built, as a security measure and as part of the defence budget?

    Chrysler 300m Convertible. 2008 Chrysler Sebring
  • 2008 Chrysler Sebring

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 26, 09:58 PM
    Can you cite anything verified scientifically?
    Maybe I should post part two of the video about what happened at Lourdes. I meant to do that. So here it is (

    Sep 12, 07:42 PM
    I sure wish Apple would have come up with a system for ripping DVDs to my computer and cataloging them, that I would have loved. How much you want to bet that never happens?

    Use Handbrake to convert to H.264, then drag the result into iTunes.

    Apr 21, 03:21 AM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding � Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    If they really cared that much about user experience, then iOS wouldn't be the Walled Garden that it is and iTunes wouldn't be such a royal pain in the neck to use.

    Just an anecdote from my last week with an iPhone and a first generation Google G1 phone (which I have to use when I'm on 7/24-on call-duty): I moved to a new house where I do not yet have a DSL line and also no 3G/UMTS connectivity. Both the iPhone and the G1 use Deutsche Telekom, and while the iPhone always tells me that "it cannot activate the data network", the G1 manages to give me Internet access at the same location with the same carrier.

    So in real world use, the iPhone lets me down while the Android phone does not.

    Oct 7, 06:52 PM
    The slower Clovertowns also match the Woodie for TDP - you can get more power (for multi-threaded workflows) at the same power consumption (and heat production) with the quad.By Quad you mean each slower Clovertown or a pair of faster Woodies?

    Aug 29, 02:34 PM
    Where is SUN? Brother, Samsung, Kodak, Minolta, SONY, etc?

    I don't see any Television manufacturers? Philips? JVC? etc?

    Mar 18, 09:53 AM
    Sir it is perfect.

    You are paying for the same thing.

    I have an unlimted plan

    and I never have gone over 5gb

    if one has a 2gb plan and never goes over and we both surf on the internet
    Tethering whats the difference?

    It's easy to make the argument unlimited data plans are priced according to an average amount of data that wireless devices use. The average amount of data used while tethering can be shown to be substantially higher, resulting in higher costs, and justifying a higher price. The key is that their argument may rest upon the price of providing unlimited data. You argument rests upon the amount of data used, however in either case (whether tethered or not) users can use an unlimited amount of data.

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